



One of the key and unique attraction at the Ropeway is the viewing platform (展望台) that is located at the mountain top station (山頂駅) after seven minutes rides from the Terminal station (山麓駅).

After reaching the mountain top station, and few more steps climbing, you can enjoy a wonderful panorama. Indeed, you will observe the town from a different perspective. For this, the ropeway is very unique and no one else can propose such a delightful attraction to the visitors, either they come for a one day round trip visit or staying at one of the wonderful guesthouses or ryokan (旅館) that Kinosaki Onsen and its seven onsen is counting.

At this viewing platform you can have a complete overview of the surroundings of the area too. At the top of mount Daishi, you can see as well all the other mountains around the city, which is making the experience even richer. In case you want to want to have your eyes closer to all these wonders there are two paying binoculars. The location has also two benches in case you need to rest or simply want to enjoy the view land the peacefulness of the place longer.

Something you can enjoy there really as mentioned is the peacefulness of the place. Indeed, there you are away from the small noise of the city, you are just far enough to be left alone but not too far to enjoy the view. The only “disturbing” noise would be the tweet of some birds or the announce of next going down gondola of the ropeway. If you are brave enough you can try afterwards the kawarakenage, one of the other attractions of the mountain top. Or simply enjoy the view too from the terrace of the Miharashi Terrace Café (みはらしテラスカフェ) while drinking a nice coffee or eating one their nice sweets.


展望台 One of the key and unique attraction at the Ropeway is the viewing platform (展望台) that is located at the m […]


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